Sunday, October 01, 2017
In Laurent Binet's The Seventh Function of Language, a Cornell student explains philosophy; Ithaca, fall 1980.
"And all this culminated in Heidegger: a reactionary philosopher, in the full meaning of the term, who decided that philosophy had been heading the wrong way for centuries and that it had to return to the primordial question, which is the question of Being, so he wrote Being and Time, where he says he's going to search for Being. Except he never found it, ha ha, but anyway. So it was he who really inspired this fashion for nebulous philosophers full of complicated neologisms, convoluted reasoning, dubious analogies, and risky metaphors, leading to Derrida, who's the heir to all that stuff now.
P. 230
A couple days before Searle sets his hounds on Derrida.
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